Our Services
We are thrilled to be able to extend to our clients BeachHouse by Design Membership giving each client significant discounts on a wide range of decor, appliances and vendors.
DIY Subscription
Every month
Every year
Client access to design discounts at major retailers, trending styles and inspiration.
✓ Shop major retailers such as Williams Sonoma, PB, and more
✓ Be inspired by today's trends and styles
✓ Update your beach house at a discount
What our clients are saying
“Having bought location, location, location I was excited to be where I wanted to be. I just needed it to become my Beach House! BeachHouse by Design was able to take my Cape Cod dream and make it my Cape Cod reality.”
— Centerville, MA
“I wanted to find my Beach House but what I pictured it being isn’t what I found. I loved the space but I was overwhelmed with how to turn it into my perfect escape. BeachHouse by Design did it!”
— Osterville, MA